OfficiantBrandi R Morris

I am so stoked to work with you!!!

Everything is awesome, especially you! We're going to make your wedding day everything you ever dreamed. Once you've booked, your client login portal is where you can find quick links to helpful info. You know, just In case you absolutely need to know word 4 in line 17 on page 3 of your ceremony at 2:15am.

Step one

Let's get together

We need to meet so I can get to know you and you can get to know me, the old fashioned way. Over an old fashioned? Even better. Wherever we can have a quiet place to chat, be it your place or mine, or your favorite coffee shop.

step two

ceremony details

This is where we create and execute the play. We've planned, laughed, cried, talked about our lives and dreams- what color eyes your children will have...
This is when the magic happens and it all comes together when I get to pronounce you married!

step three

Making it legal

The underdog of the whole event, the unsung hero- what? The marriage license! We have to make it legal so you get all the societal and financial benefits of all the mushy lovey stuff you slaved over for months. I will be sure it is filed with the proper authorities so your Great Great Granddaughter can look it up with

Client Login

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